Thursday, July 1, 2010


The fourth graders at Seowon Elementary sounded like little puppies today, shouting "ARF, ARF" with the textbook chant. When I closed my eyes and listened to the howling, I thought I might be on a surreal dog farm. My fourth grade co-teacher, hung-over as he was, rolled along with it quite well. Things are pretty relaxed at this small countryside school. It is so hot and humid in the classrooms that the students are losing their edge of resistance to our lesson plans, and the teachers aren't fighting the students (as much).
Yesterday I had dinner at my favorite Chinese restaurant. I chat with Tom, the owner, about life, women and the news. He speaks decent English because he lived in Denver for many years. This poor guy also daily gambled away a fortune from his restaurant days in Las Vegas. Sometimes he comes over to my apartment and we talk it up over a beer or two. He gets very loud, especially when he is excited. So when he had the magical opportunity to call a friend in America on Skype, he was exstatic. He and his friend used to "go to church" (golfing) every Sunday, quite religiously. Using Google street view, I saw his old house also. I even helped find a relative of his (he won't tell me who...) through Facebook. Understandably, she was quite surprised to hear from a complete stranger. Technology provides us with the tools to separate families, and the means to reconnect. I am doing my best to stay connected.

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